If you can't beat them...join them...deserters or self preservers?

Sisters and Brothers, in this post I want to talk about the men and women who have left the cause. The Miss Candace Owens, the Ben Carsons , the Uncle toms and overseers of our community, we must try to understand their reasonings. They may have lost hope, have felt that by accepting things as they are, it is better than stirring the pot, and risking setting us back in the process, as we all know we don't really control anything. There are some of us who work in white dominated areas, and jobs who have learned to laugh at racist jokes, shrug off inappropriate comments aas to speak up would make your team uncomfortable, start a lengthy conversation to explain why something "black people all look the same" might be considered racial bias or that they love mixed babies.

There is  also a feeling of security and safety that comes from blending in, and not speaking out, we can recognise that feeling for ourselves. We side ourselves with enemy to keep us safe, as we know we are vulnerable on the other side. These people see we are ill equipped to fight against the goliath and join their team. We know we have it in us as our ancestors did before them, but don't you think when people were plotting to escape the plantations, that the other slaves didn't turn around and tell the owners, to prevent the punishment that that slave would inevitably face being meted out to everyone. Had they know those who escaped to freedom like Harriet Tubman would come back, and the torture they faced then would be worth it? would they have no doubt worked together. And of course we know people protected runaway slaves anyway, and kept them free in some instances but the person who told them would never invision this could be possible and feels that he is saving his brethren from a worser fate than the one they are used to on the plantation.

In order to effect real change and protect each other we have to be prepared to die for it, to sacrifice, money, position and power and to even face torture, as when one is taken by the WS authorities, we are no longer playing on our side of the fence. Ask anyone who has been to prison or in a cop car once you were unseen, were you punished for even daring to pick up that video camera. Once they tackled you to the ground, you dropped the phone and what happened after the video stopped playing? did they nurse the wounds they inflicted? did they apologise and explain the reason for their force? become kind of shame faced and guilty looking? .. hmmm i guess not, because that is their job to keep us in order. We keep forgetting to play our position and the people who have left our side are seeing, this and their eyes are being filled with fear, and the instinct to self preserve takes over.

Making this decision is not easy, as everyone will turn against you, you know you are being a coward in that moment, you have chosen to boost your self up  at the cost of so many, and that is not the easiest thing to swallow. You have to when things get better from us, figure out a way to humble yourself to eat again with us, and we will not reject you, but you will know that you were not part of the fight that helped us win. We cannot allow WS to keep us divided by fooling us into raging on people who share the same skin as us making or choosing the wrong things.

No one is perfect but we can leave them to it and as they watch us turn the tide around they will come to their senses and return,and who knows what information they will bring with it tha tmay hep us further the cause.


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