Racism -the last tool of a desperate fool
Wow racism that bitter subject, the other day a family member of mine, explained she had been called a monkey. Someone else I know explained when they travelled they experience heart breaking hatred. I laughed with bewilderment but yet I am not as surprised as others. People need to understand there is no power in racism but to hurt the person with such a limited mind span. Think about it, to be racist you have to spend a lot of your time, thinking of why you hate this person, what they have done to you and what the world can do to make it better. In all this time whilst they have sat silently hating, the argument losing less strength as the years go by, they will still be stuck in that miserable grey world, not quite comprehending why others have more important things to do, rather than to dwell on the deeds of another person. Whether they are Black, White, Asian or another race or religion. People may say that they wouldn't have been racist if the peo...