Racism -the last tool of a desperate fool

Wow racism that bitter subject, the other day a family member of mine, explained she had been called a monkey. Someone else I know explained when they travelled they experience heart breaking hatred. I laughed with bewilderment but yet I am not as surprised as others. People need to understand there is no power in racism but to hurt the person with such a limited mind span. Think about it, to be racist you have to spend a lot of your time, thinking of why you hate this person, what they have done to you and what the world can do to make it better. In all this time whilst they have sat silently hating, the argument losing less strength as the years go by, they will still be stuck in that miserable grey world, not quite comprehending why others have  more important things to do, rather than to dwell on the deeds of another person. Whether they are Black, White, Asian or another race or religion.

People may say that they wouldn't have been racist if the people they now hate hadn't done things to make them, doubt their right to live hassle free. People say racism has been diluted and it's meaning tainted, as it is now used to describe even the slightest offense.  To see what harm racism does, to those that hate, especially in these times when it seems no one else understands their frustrations. I will use the analogy of walking in another man's shoes.  People that are racist seem to spend too long walking in another mans shoes, but sometimes fail to come back and walk in their own. Yes you will have been left behind; you will have made no progress like the one you may have dreamed about. Have you ever noticed that when your racist, how you lose close friends? How people you love quickly become an enemy? How by breeding hate in another you only breed hate for yourself.

I find it fascinating that racism still exists in this day and age, not because times have changed, that racism should have laid its ugly head to rest. Thinking about it, people have suffered long enough under that beast called racism. Why it still surprises me, is that it has no purpose? Even to those who are racist. I understand racism in the 1920's. You had more power, you had more say. Your evil words and deeds had weight, but now this power has gone. You can't be cruel and get away with it. You can't utter words of disgust at another person's colour because instantly you give up your own power. Being consumed by hate is surely the most painful way to die.

Your world becomes a place where nowhere is safe, and even in that brief second when you utter the N or P word. you only give the power back to us, reminding us why we can't forget our dreadful history. what our ancestors have fought against, to allow us walk on beside you, go to school with you. Our men fought and died along your men, as much as you respect them, so must we.

Remember all that time you waste hating on us, is time you could use wisely, to love you family, to build a home, to be successful. Hate is a quiet poison, it kills you slowly, and painfully. if you know your dying of this horrible disease, why would you pass it on to another? let others be free to be happy and let racism and hatred die it's natural death.

Racism is the last tool of a desperate fool, trying to give his life meaning by remaining fixated on the demons he believe others have given him.  Stop being fooled and distracted by lies. Look at your family, look at your life and work out what racism has cost. one day it might even cost you your sanity. If it isn't already too late.


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