ohh no back to the 1950's we go.

Oh boy, I have been very shocked, disappointed and upset this month during what is meant to be a celebration of Black culture. Black History Month. We have already spent many a century, being frightened of what being black means, constantly fighting for fair recognition, and here we are in 2013 having to explain again why using the word "coloured" is actually offensive if you don't know ill explain it in another blog, or why despite the fact so many people bat the n word around, it hasn't lost it's power to be racist. Stop defending the indefensible.
Racism is  racism.
Don't try and hide behind ignorance, don't try and play it down as a joke. If you feel that other races experience racism now, how can you think that racism is over.
Your complaining about being a minority whilst hating all other minorities. Confused.
I'm getting very angry and upset with people constantly saying people are racially sensitive, that people are just being too politically correct, when people are just being considerate about the words, and phrases they are using. If you keep going down this route, we'll be back in the 1950's and I'm very worried about my son's future having to deal with discrimination that should long be over.
My son has already had a small smidgen of racism, but luckily I have instilled pride in him so he was able to stand up for himself and say hold on...you can't call me that. Now all I am seeing is a country that is heading back in time, whilst people dumb down racist ideologies as a mantra, when people can no longer see the damage your choice of words have on people hearing it.
We even have politically parties who are not even bothering to mask their racism, and their hate of other races, who seem to be coming to forefront in elections.
People please don't be fooled by their clever words, and  cunning speeches. I won't lie, I am starting to get just a little bit scared, of what future lies ahead for me, my family and many others, If they or other racist fringe parties get into power.
Please continue in this way, and if you think I am over reacting please read some of those books I have mentioned. You can even check out stories from the 70-80's during the civil rights movement when things came to a head. If you have forgotten about those bleak times, that was a time of segregation, times of discrimination and direct and indirect racism.
I can't believe these things are starting to rear their ugly head again, may I remind you that reverse racism, which many people are using as an excuse to continue hating. Just shows the truth in what I am saying.
 Hating didn't work before, and it won't work now.
lets stop this madness before it gets out of hand.  Next time you read or see blatant racism, don't go on about free speech, or political correctness.
 why not imagine one of my forefathers, having fought alongside yours, with as much courage and fortitude as one of your own. when he returned from war with promise of a new job, and home. He was sent home, because he wasn't welcome, and if he stayed he would be subjected to so much hate, it wasn't even worth it. Now do you get why some words are offensive and will remain so. In order to respect my forefather, I can't ignore what he fought so hard against and what he had to go through.
Remember this when you say things like send them all home, also don't forget the ugliness of racism, and that no matter how subtle it is, no whitewashing can take the away the offense that was intended.  Now I am sitting on the bus with my son at the sadness that infects the world today. 
People stop making excuses to hate we are all the same, especially when it comes to being under the sight of GOD


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