Keeping The Past In The Past?

During the time I have spent reading and learning about black history. I have often heard people tell me to leave the past in the past. During my teens I had a hard time doing this, as everything I was reading, watching was from a person, and I found it difficult to maintain a logical perspective. However on reflection I have learnt to embrace my past, and celebrate the achievements of those who sacrificed so I may have my freedom, my civil liberties and more.
I don't believe we need to leave our past in the past, but I do believe we need to be able to be realistic, and know that the people, who perpetrated these crimes, have long since gone.

We would not have won our freedom alone, and we cannot blame a nation of people because of what their ancestors did. I encourage you to read and learn about black history, so that you have knowledge, and might find inspiration for dark and difficult times in your life. Sometimes seeing others struggle helps us focus on how we can survive.

I will be reading more books and films which I will review and recommend in time. I have other books I have read in the past, which I will also add to the blog.

If you have any recommendations of films etc. please don't hesitate to let me know and also give recommendations on books I have mentioned.

I would also love to hear your stories and thoughts on black history, your journey to the truth and what you have learnt. Please comment below, and I will add an email address soon if needed


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