Roots-Alex Haley recommended title

Roots: The Saga of an American Family
“You can't tell where you're going, if you don’t know where you’re coming from”
I’m not sure where this quote comes from but it is apt for this book. I am sure you are familiar with it, as it is available in book, film and audio format.
Roots is a journey, from the heart of Africa to the inner cities of America. It tells you the paths that have been trod, and the roads that have been travelled by our ancestors. Sometimes it is heart breaking, and at others awe inspiring.
It does have some hard to read parts, but to be honest when you are reading about black history that is to be expected. It’s never easy to hear your forefather was whipped 150 times and then had salt rubbed in the wounds etc.
I would recommend this book to those, who know something about black history, and would like more understanding on the effects on black people, an idea on the different eras, and how things changed for the good. It is a story of hardship, history and hope.
 It is available at most retailers, and also in film form.

If you have read this book and would like to add some more information. Please comment below.

There are many other books of its kind, and I have not yet had a chance to read these. I am only going to tell you about those that I have read, and hope I will read more of the others.


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