Are we tired yet? nothing is changing... returning to our roots ..if we can find them

This video gives a more eloquent explanation of leaving behind inevitable tyranny and moving back to the continent. We have a few things to do  to move back we would have to adjust our selves expectations or build to accommodate our needs in a way that supports the economy and the people who live there. We have engineers here and there, architects, construction workers, planners, plumbers, electricians who can help to create these homes. We have islands that we can go to and settle in. 
We must not make the mistake of going there in arrogance or superiority, but with an air of humility and gratitude that we can live there. Yes we have skills, but so do the people who already live there. 
I feel like for people who have family in other nations should be looking at investing in property etc. I understand their is some challenge with this, but it can be overcome, if we understand it is for the common good. To keep us all protected and safe from a world that is aiming to stamp us out, one by one. 
If anyone has any suggestions on how else we can create a better trip back, please provide this information in the comments


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