White Supremacy Terror and Tyranny

There’s a special breed of human, who finds joy and pleasure in torturing another human.
Almost as if a part of their soul has been sold, to what can only be thought of as the devil.
For the evil, people have perpetuated in the name of white power; there is no equal.
For people to have gained so much pleasure, meaning and validation from their almost perverse practices,
making people suffer to their maximum before death. I understand in order to enact these types of action,
they must take the idea that the people they choose to torture are sub human.
Yet even I must question, if there isn’t a chill that goes down the spine of those who hear the piercing howls
of excruciating cries of pain from their victims.  

If you are of a sensitive disposition, I would stop reading here, as I will be describing accounts
of white supremacist actions as well as pictures. 

What is the definition of a psychopath? 
I honestly can’t help but compare the white supremacist movement to that of a psychopath, a lot of their actions
and thought processes are in line with the deranged serial killers, dictators who have been  responsible
for the worst atrocities; who simply give themselves a justified cause for the wanton destruction
and the relentless bloodshed of the innocent. White supremacy has had its reign of terror over
so many countries, races and religions, that it is hard to fit it within a blog.
I will for this post concentrate on actions towards the black community but that is in no way to denigrate
what actions have been taken towards anyone else. Maybe because of all this, people have had to make
protective choices about what side they decided to run with and seeing as white power rules,
it would make senses for people to fall in line with them , in order to reap the benefits of being on their side
despites the risks. 

Rubbing us out of history 

One of their actions has been to rub us out of history, including powerful things like World Wars,
where we fought alongside our white comrades, died besides them, protected them even
when it was illegal for us to even fight in their army. Only in recent years have we received some recognition
of our accomplishments. Some of it is on us for allowing them to so easily edit and re model our history
so it is more palatable for them  to swallow. 
What about our Civil right leaders, slave abolishers, musicians, inventors- we have a whole heritage of people
to be proud of and emulate especially at times like this. Don’t you think it's time to correct history
and put things right and send the White Supremacist’s into a frenzy coming up with a way to deny the truth
we tell. 

We most definitely could get over history once it stops repeating itself.  

The difference between the holocaust and slavery is that WSP deny the existence of the  holocaust because
to own up or to acknowledge this great evil to it with any pride would  expose their true nature and bring
so much heat on their heads and disgust that denial is the easiest way.. They may get flack for trying to deny it,
but it makes more sense then acting like itsIf you are of a sensitive disposition, I would stop reading here,
as I will be describing accounts of white supremacist actions as well as pictures. A proud part of their past.
However, when it comes slavery a long term, worse version of holocaust of which we are still victim,
they will claim proudly about those days and even make comments about how they would return 

Using us to play out their malevolent desires 

They say we all have malevolent thoughts from time to time, and these often go away as soon as they enter our
conscious mind. The “what if I threw someone out of a window” …disappears shortly after it appears.
However white supremacy, instead have these thoughts, embellish them, and make it a reality. 
Hang a black person- yes get a noose, hang it from a tree. It can take someone up to 6hrs to die from being
hung.  This type of torture was normally kept for murderers, rapists and pedophiles of the past when convicting
actual felons. Now it was used to punish someone for simply being born black and encountering the WST,
even if you were sound asleep in your home. They still felt no compulsion about invading your sanctuary
and robbing you of your life. 
They were indiscriminate choosing to mutilate men, and women, old and young, for entertainment.
It started out in slavery and White supremacist terrorists still lust after these things today.
I could almost understand their reasoning to some degree if people were guilty of something like rape, and
I don’t mean presumed guilty, with their fixed trials, insidious juries and corrupt justice systems.
The hanging of a black person is bad enough, but that isn’t enough to pleasure them,
they must add in whippings, beatings, slicing off body parts, breaking bones, castration,
molestation of private parts  etc., so the person can’t even die in peace,
but in agony, degraded and praying for it to end quickly.  They weren’t even content
with just  killing a black person,cutting them down and burying them. 
Ah no they needed to leave the body hanging so anyone walking past; even children could be traumatized
by its existence and have the sliver of fear enter their young eyes and tender hearts. at the  realisation there are
true monsters lurking under the bed.  
It's hard to stomach how members of the KKK, EDL, and other White supremacy groups can openly exhibit
such lust for such disturbing practices. What I write about above sounds like the stuff of nightmares or a
gruesome horror, but is just an example of the blood thirsty activities they took pride in. 
I haven’t even touched on slavery, a White Supremacist’s dream, when they stripped a man’s back with lashes
from a whip, till there was only bloodied pulp for flesh, cut off limbs at will, ripped nursing babies cradled
in their mother’s arms from their breast, raped and pillaged our community at their leisure.
Nor have I touched upon  police brutality, where people are virtually battered ‘til their eyes are gouging
out of their heads, limbs are broken or beaten to death, if they are not just shot first.  

Here are some actual accounts of some of these brutal practices- drinking something strong is advised. 

Emmett till 
Several nights after the incident in the store, Bryant's husband Roy and his half-brother
J.W. Milam were armed when they went to Till's great-uncle's house and abducted the boy
They took him away and beat and mutilated him before shooting him in the head and sinking
his body in the Tallahatchie River. 

Mr Brooks- In 1910, a group of men rushed into the courthouse, threw a rope around
the neck of a black man accused of sexually assaulting a 3-year-old white girl,
and threw the other end of the rope out a window.
A mob outside yanked the man, Allen Brooks, to the ground and strung him up
at a ceremonial arch a few blocks down Main Street. 

Three Unknown males- And just beyond that is Kirvin, where three black men,
two of them almost certainly innocent, were accused of killing a white woman
and, under the gaze of hundreds of soda-drinking spectators, were castrated,
stabbed, beaten, tied to a plow and set afire in the spring of 1922. 
The bloody history of Paris, Tex., about 100 miles northeast of Dallas,
is well known if rarely brought up, said Thelma Dangerfield, the treasurer
of the local N.A.A.C.P. chapter. Thousands of people came in 1893 to see
Henry Smith, a black teenager accused of murder, carried around town on a
float, then tortured and burned to death on a scaffold. 

Examples of brutal slave practices 

I have often thought about it long and hard, I’m so relieved to be able to benefit from their freedom they
desperately fought for from this horrific life. As there is no way I would have survived any of these brutal
regimes, an almost unnatural genocide of an entire group of people. It is estimated that over 4000 men, and
women were killed by lynching(documented). We have an estimated 9-11 million, dying from the slave trade. 
I know some are going to argue that slavery had been around for decades, before the Transatlantic Slave trade,
but It demonstrates the sadistic nature involved with the White Supremacy. However most of the torturous
additions were added on by white masters and Members of White supremacy group. 
So, my fellow brethren, looking at this information, we cannot afford to be complacent, if we ever returned back
to this life. Do u think you could survive, be under no illusion that White supremacist Terrorist would love us
to be back into the subservient position and running with fear. Knowing at any minute with the power of
the law on their side, they could literally wipe you out and have fun doing it. 

The only reason they haven’t gone for a total genocide as of yet is because they need us to do their work.
They will call on us again in times of need, and we must learn to stick together, and not be divided.


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