.....While Black

Now the eyes which have been somewhat delayed are  being opened to the terrifying real time horror that has always been in store for those who come from the black community, issues that we have long faced, are now slowly being acknowledged and is no doubt short lived.
Now others are beginning to concern themselves with how the black minorities are constantly seen as a threat even when doing the most innocuous things, along with the almost compliant attitude of the police forces and their allies when it comes to police brutality. 

After reading and watching several stories of walking while; sleeping while; dining out while, etc

 It’s hard to accept that we are almost back to a time of discriminatory signs aka Jim crow saying no blacks, no dogs and no Irish; the breeding ground for segregation. It feels as though once again people in the position of power are no longer content to see us sitting comfortably and succeeding or making some strides in the way of progress. Apparently they want all competition wiped out.

It’s time to look at our wider opportunities and start working out a different approach. Here in the UK it is not so bad, as we don’t have the overt racism being brought back to life, (I'm not saying racism doesn't exist here but it is at a more tolerable level) and not actively encouraged as we do in the United States and other countries I.e. Italy, Brazil etc. I find it ironic because quite frankly if the meddling white supremacist powers in all there wisdom had left us be when we were content in Africa, we wouldn’t  be in their so called land for them to oppress or control.

No they decided to go meddling in places they needn’t be, had no invitation and spread us to pretty much every continent known to man. Despite every effort to break us, we broke free and embraced Black Power. Boy our ancestors fought for us, and we dare not bow.
In an ideal world, I would wish that all the nations where we originated from would open their arms to us, and we could go home, and be amongst our own. which currently seems like a distant reality, but not an impossible one.  We should not go with arrogance assuming we know best because we have a more entitled life style, freedom in USA, UK etc. We should go with the understanding that what they need from us we can give if asked and what they can give us can enrich us in ways we could never have fathomed. 

Secondly, we need to stop feeling like we are separate people, whether you are black in Africa, Jamaica, America or the UK etc, no matter the shade of skin, the views or the nations.  We have been divided but we must decide to put our differences aside. We have to come together as one; we must sympathise with each other’s history and plights, and extend forgiveness for our willingness to allow the cracks to brood between us.

We cannot afford to be separate any more, a house divided cannot stand. Can u imagine what a force we could be with our united strengths, endurance. those amazing genes and pain? Let’s stop forcing it inwards and killing each other off in gangs, isolating ourselves and leaving black people to fight alone sometimes. Let’s focus instead, on fixing our broken foundations to allow us to build a magnificent black empire for all of us. Black Utopia


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