The WST- why so Bold, Defiant?

Since the killing of Mr George Floyd and every other poor black man killed before his time, we see that there have been hordes of WST men, women and unfortunately children, mocking these painful events. Deriding our pain, and almost in no way frightened of losing their jobs, reputation etc. I mean perhaps for the first few Karens, they didn't understand the power of social media and how much backlash would come from their acts of prejudice, but once they realised surely the others would desist, but in actual fact, they seem to have emboldened the rest of the slumbering WST horde that it is nowsafe to emerge and wreak havoc on the oppressed once again.

Currently after the barbaric death of George Floyd, there has been a rise of posts and people mocking the death, despite knowing the inevitable backlash that would occur. Is there something we don't know about this ever increasing trend. Please advise as to why it is becoming more and more rampant and they are not deterred even by cameras, humiliation, problems running their business or job loss. Is exerting their pathetic piece of power more important in that moment, or is it more like that time when we boycotted the buses. where WST helped to fund the continuation of the bus services.

This new trend worries me because it has no logical basis, why is someone willing to risk losing everything to make a racist comment, stance. We need to research if those Karen's and Bruce's have been rehired since their exposure and after the furore has died down,  was there a safety net to catch them? What long term ramifications do Karens and Bruce's face that would deter them from, continuing with their provocation and calling on the murder squad, if we dont find out, we could be in a for a whole new world of hell.



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