Fear for the silent victims in the long standing police brutality tale

As a black female, I am remiss to mention the hidden secret side that I  can only guess many are too ashamed, frighted to bring to the light of the day. I have been blessed and fortunate to never have experienced this aspect of harassment, but as a women I  am 80% sure it exists. When i look at all the mainly black males being physically brutalised by police officers in america and sometimes in the UK, (quotes down below) there is a side of me that realises there must be silent victims who may have had to deal with a more humiliating, degrading experience with not a hero or video in sight to expose these experiences.

As depressing as it is to write and think about, I  couldn't imagine this experience to be reality but I  feel that I would be remiss not to bring it to light, a black woman has sometimes been objectified by many nationalities, from slavery, through colonialism to the current day as a fascinating foreign object to be explored and exploited. i.e. you can watch courage to love for an idea of how that played into black women being used sexually and being a shameful secret.

 Black women are overly sexualised and represented in a way that makes it seem that we are more amenable to certain activities than other races. We black women have been through a lot of silent, secret crimes, that I  darn't even speak of, because even I find my own experience to be hard to think about. to this day. Those events can be perpetrated by anyone, but we know what i'm referring to.

I wont mention it in details as I  don't want to trigger anyone who accidentally stumbles on this blog, but please understand, some of us know and you are not alone. Maybe you have carried your secret shame for years, perhaps there's is apart of you that knows what police brutality looks like for a black woman, or sometimes even just for women. I wish I  could expose what happens in darkened cells, during unseen stop and searches,  dark alleys. what coercion is used to manipulate the circumstances and your understandable fears. I  wish I  understood more so I could be your voice. I wish I  could wipe away all your silent tears, your trauma based nightmares...soothe your justified wrath.

Some of us have stayed silent because of fear of reprisals, fear that those who loves us and who are support, the ones who have  our backs, wouldnt understand and in their misguided anger would blame it on you or aim to retaliate and leave you alone. The fear of breaking up your foundation for something that wasn't even your fault. The part of you now that has hidden this pain so much, and keeps you from being able to see victims as victims but a master of their own making.

I am writing to at least cast a tiny light on the true nature of oppression for black women, and that for all the men heinously brutalised by the police, there are there equal number of women. I am not sure this will get much attention and even if it did, i doubt anyone would put information about their experiences..Please take away from this that you are not alone, and that if you are a silent victim, the shame is not yours, but theirs.

If you have experienced this please comment anonymously or you can email your story and I can post it. your voice won't be lost, and your pain will not be in vain.
"Nearly 1,500 accusations of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, exploitation of crime victims and child abuse, have been made against police officers in England and Wales over six years, the Observer can reveal.
Figures obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show that 1,491 complaints were filed against police officers, special constables and police community support officers (PCSOs) across 33 forces in England and Wales between 2012 and 2017, or 2018 in the case of the Metropolitan Police in London, which took a year to respond to the FOI request by the Observer.
Of these cases, 371 were upheld, resulting in the sacking or resignation of 197 officers, special constables and PCSOs. Ten police forces did not provide data."
AuthorChaminda Jayanetti
Article title:Scale of police sexual abuse claims revealed
Website title:the Guardian

Research on "police sexual misconduct" — a term used to describe actions from sexual harassment and extortion to forcible rape by officers — overwhelmingly concludes that it is a systemic problem. A 2015 investigation by the Buffalo News, based on a national review of media reports and court records over a 10-year period, concluded that an officer is accused of an act of sexual misconduct at least every five days. The vast majority of incidents, the report found, involve motorists, young people in job-shadowing programs, students, victims of violence and informants. In more than 60 percent of the cases reviewed, an officer was convicted of a crime or faced other consequences.https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/how-some-cops-use-the-badge-to-commit-sex-crimes/2018/01/11/5606fb26-eff3-11e7-b390-a36dc3fa2842_story.html


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