United We Stand… Why We Need To Come Together

Hmm we are all the same brethren, and we are definitely all the same under God. Yet we fail to see and even act this in our own walk of life. Leaving our fellow man to suffer, fail and stand isolated in lands of oppression. We even turn against each other in civil wars, gangs and even in the corporate world. We let the WSP win with their divide and conquer tactics.  Despite the fact we are being oppressed in several nations, we still think we are somehow able to gain dignity by fighting amongst ourselves, believing that by separating ourselves we will avoid trouble, their suppression and can perhaps do better. What about the famous idiom, divided we fall??

 All nations have faced colonialism, white supremacy regimes, segregation, illegalising mixed race marriages and more. We all had brutal interactions, had the raw end of the deal in multiple nations. 
We struggle to make a dent in the world of finance and business, in schools, in politics to better our situations. We constantly get the worse end of the deal, and we are silenced when we speak up about it.
If we ourselves don’t support the growing businesses who will. Instead of side eyeing them because they have made a way to generate some income, perhaps consider helping them to prosper, so their riches can bless us all. Everyone has a place. Some of us might be disillusioned by change and disbelieving of our brethren’s ability to get with the programme, but this is an emergency. The quicker we prepare the better we can equip ourselves.   If we lift one, we lift us all.
The united states tends to set the trend for the United Kingdoms movements, so where race based incidents increase over there. They increase over here too. We are no safer in these shores, than any other. We must learn to stand together or be wiped out.  Although it is predicted there will be fewer white people in 50 years, do u think they are happy with this understanding, that they see that as acceptable information. They will fight this to the bitter end so by standing on separate shores, whether Caribbean, or Africa: America or Britain. The division needs to end whether we are corporate or entertainment. Whether we are street led or recieved better opportunities. We need to learn to protect our own, before they start picking us off one nation at a time.  

We are like a chicken belly right now exposed to the greedy vultures, looking to pick us clean. They will turn us against each other, and watch us kill each other as amusement. It's time to get these nethanderals to scratch their heads, as they see us come together as a team. Using our combined strengths to defeat racism.   Don’t get me wrong I know there are people with hearts who stick their head above the parapet to respect our rights, who are other races. Unfortunately they are grouped with us and should be protected too. 


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