This is my journey from "ignorance is bliss" to "I never want to be uneducated again."
These are just my thoughts and musings, and I'm totally open to comments and things to reflect on. If anything sounds off, please let me know.
Black Voices asking for Unity and for us to fill the black pocket
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Here are some famous black voices asking us to unify, to put money in black pockets.
Just some positive message to keep us focused on unification
Imagine a country where you could walk out your front door, and to the shops, and walk back with not a doubt. Not a single person looks at you, except in a friendly greeting, Where your culture is celebrated and appreciated, not stolen or looted and rebranded.A place where your children could play, grow up into adulthood with no worry of any bullets hitting them in the back. A place that is ours, and a place we can get rid of that ominous cloud of oppression. Where if we had a nation we would rule with fairness, and equality, because we unlike others understand that that is not the best way to build a truly successful nation. Imagine if we could actually build a Wakanda, where the resources we find are ours to barter and trade.When the rules of society are simple but fair. We can make a decision based on how.. by lifting up one.. We lift us all. If I am a teacher, I can teach, if I am a builder I can build, if I am a chef I can cook, and cook for many. If you can do h...
During the time I have spent reading and learning about black history. I have often heard people tell me to leave the past in the past. During my teens I had a hard time doing this, as everything I was reading, watching was from a person, and I found it difficult to maintain a logical perspective. However on reflection I have learnt to embrace my past, and celebrate the achievements of those who sacrificed so I may have my freedom, my civil liberties and more. I don't believe we need to leave our past in the past, but I do believe we need to be able to be realistic, and know that the people, who perpetrated these crimes, have long since gone. We would not have won our freedom alone, and we cannot blame a nation of people because of what their ancestors did. I encourage you to read and learn about black history, so that you have knowledge, and might find inspiration for dark and difficult times in your life. Sometimes seeing others struggle helps us focus on how we can surviv...
I have read a few slave narratives in my time, and don’t think it gives you anything but a sense of confusion as to man's capacity for pure inhumanity, people's capacity to breed and promote cruelty and their ability to reduce humans to disposable carcasses. Reading slave narratives will give you a more personal view of the era; they describe the reality of being held a slave, the urges for knowledge and freedom that is a natural human instinct. Once you have read one, you will be compelled to read others. I won't say it makes light reading but for an understanding about why the N word is such a no no, and why people still struggle to get past the cruelty of slavery. Reading a slave narrative will help enlighten you. I will tell you about other narratives in other blogs. Equiano olaudah was taken from his homeland, under duress, and shipped to the Caribbean islands. Read his journey from slavery to freedom in his slave narrative. This is probably one of the...
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