White Supremacists’ Secret Weapon-Provocation and Incitement

(this is an old post that was in draft, seems timely)
We must be less sensitive to the white man’s words. It is with his use of his words that he gets us to react, with little to mild aggression to micro violence. All incidentally landing us in the wrong hands. 
 Thank goodness for phones, which allow us to record the recent spate of race-based profiling, which either results in police being called, or people being asked to leave premises with no due course.  
On the one hand I understand our need to stand up for ourselves and to make it known, that we will not be passive and roll over at the behest of WST. However, I can see in some videos, that there is a deliberate use of provocation by them, aimed to make someone react rudely, aggressively or indignantly. 
In pretty much every case of racial profiling, the victim of the prejudice remains calm, explains themselves well and even has proof to back up their story.  Some of the videos with law enforcement or other more problematic systems, shows some of these organizations saying something or doing something which is unnecessary to complete their task safely and successfully i.e.  putting handcuffs on someone, frisking them for illegal substances, with no due causes; patronizing them all because someone called the police out because a black person happened to ignore the WST air of superiority.  Be clear that they are not phased by you filming them because they can wait to get even, and I dread to think what happens to people who don’t have time, forget or fail to film an incident. Some organizations are not opposed to a little witness tampering or intimidation. 
Based on this and on the methods often used by White Supremacist groups, it is clear that some actions and words that are
being used as deliberate provocation or bait to give justified reasoning for their later violent, extreme actions or in their thought’s reactions

In reality and with sane people where power has not gone to their head, there is no reason for their actions. If they ask you for ID, and you refuse this is now used as provocation to them,which becomes resisting arrest, and from what i have seen only leads to a terrifying lonely experience with the same people you tried to stand up to. Once they get u in a police car, there are no cameras. Just what they wanted.  Police and other people can inflict serious pain without causing bruising and if it did, who would you report that to.

 So, consider leaving when asked to, if your filming the incident, that can be used later to expose what has happened. It may seem like a bitter pill to swallow, but I would rather you went home alive with slightly dinged pride then end up in a jail cell for a day at their mercy, because u didn’t produce a driving license or give your details. You can give false ones just to get away is its just a WST.  
Understand they are only looking for an excuse to do what they are driven to do. They see no problem hurting us, as in their minds they think their teaching us our place. They want us to fear them, but especially in this day and age we should. Our lives are quite literally in their hands. I’m not saying we shouldn’t fight back but not during a confrontation with a white supremacist terrorist. 
Maybe not so much of it goes on in the UK, with the police and I hesitate to say that because I don’t know what goes on behind stop and searches that end in resisting arrest, the closed custody suites, and cell doors. We still have to be wary of underground WST who won’t hesitate to call the police over a perceived threat, However, in the USA, where things are more blatant, police carry guns, and are happy to use you as their punching bag, with no consequences. I understand that it gets tiresome having to continually hold your tongue, play nice with massa but i feel this may be one small way to save your life when it comes to WST calling the police on us.Its trickier when it comes to the police because they hold the ultimate power.
Please be advised they want us out, done with…they are clearly losing patience with  relying on the gang-based activity, poverty, unfair opportunities etc to do us in. They see some black people are coming out of these communities and setting examples, making money,creating generation shifts, changes etc. i.e. Barack Obama which enrages them and they will not hesitate to remind us that those are the exceptions and to keep us in our place. 
We cannot go toe to toe with law enforcement. We must understand that they are dangerous and untrustworthy. They are looking for an excuse to fight you. They lust to beat you down into submission and they will use all methods within their power.   
There are stories of people being anally raped by police enforcement (https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2813687/man-raped-police-truncheon-paris-riot/) being beaten blind and deaf (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8E8eIWFcME ),broken limbs and death of many innocents is on their hands. All of which is quickly swept under a rather stuffed rug.  

So please consider just back down during these interactions, let them think we are a class of master pleasing black folk.  Name the establishments that black balled you, post your videos on social media, get attention on the inexcusable once your safe then talk with your wallet. Get the word out about your experience, but keep yourselves alive, so u can fight the good fight. You can’t fight once they lock you up, esp if they add some trumped up charges and get caught say on a friday. They won’t let you. 
Yes, there are some good law enforcement officers, but it only takes all those good people to stay silent for hell to prevail here. We understand it is not easy to break rank from the police forces ways. However, if we stand for nothing, we fall for everything. 
 Also, on a note, this includes those slur baiters, the ones who call you by a name hoping you will punch them, or the ones who subtly talk to you like your beneath them. There is no shame in walking away, so you are healthy enough to fight the next day. Laugh at the unoriginality and go home and rest. Don’t let the WST take out another black soldier with his secret weapon.  
Understand they will not be reasoned with, if they are unhappy with you, and feel threatened, your life could be in serious jeopardy, once they call 999, until that reality changes. Our reality must 
Protect one another, remind each other that they use deliberate provocation, they want you to get fired up, to them its sport, like baiting a fox or a bear. Once you react, they will pounce on you and possibly take your very life. 


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