New Narrative check -History is about to be rewritten, Just Watch

As predicted not long after the anger is assuaged slightly, and we are distracted by daily living, the narrative changes. Please check out what videos are being used to describe the justified protests. Our views have been extinguished as they seek to discredit our claims of unfair, and inhumane treatment. Now maybe people will understand and explain why the police behave as they do and the poor death of George Floyd was a unfortunate one off, rather than an accidental exposure of a brutal, painful system.Now everything is palatable again, and everyone can go back to their normal everyday lives, shaking their heads at the craziness of these past few weeks, and put our reaction on the grief of us losing a brother in such horrific circumstances.

We must now move our minds away, from our anger and our outrage and use it in a more productive way. As has already been started,with supporting black owned businesses, considering if we can move out of a the nations where white tyranny and their power control the narrative and pick the one which works best for them. Decide to unite as one, to not be separated, any more. We must decide to be more protective to each other, it may just be a case that we have to move in teams, packs or have an emergency button to press and have out own secret batman/team.  We need a forum where the truth is discussed of actions that have taken place in custody, to men and women of colour, We need a trail of information that we are armed with so can be sure that emancipacion and repatriation is essential for the future of black people in every nation. Maybe we cant return, but can we build a seperate untouchable black community in our own nations, that we are not reliant on others. There is the risk of these structures being attacked, depleted but is it possible.if we are determined

 On a different note we know there a few black people who have strayed far from us to keep their silken purses filled, and to enjoy the power that is given when you toe the line. We all know that denying yourself, and hating your own race is a quick road to isolation, self genocide. Most of the people who are doing this, have chosen an ugly narrative, one they cannot turn away from now. The black people who have turned their backs against the plight of black people, feel almost like paul on the road to damascus, after he is converted to christianity, that feeling of shame and knowing they cannot now go amongst his brethren, as he has killed and maimed so many in his pursuit to rid the earth of christians. The same is for our lost brethren, who know they have alienated themselves from us, but we must continue with our cause, and send a message to them, that when they realise where there bread is buttered we will help them. For now just feel pity for them, and save your anger, because we have sometimes wanted to take the easy road ourselves, for a load of things and then have to turn back once we realised we had just created chaos for ourselves by taking a shortcut.

I really need to do some research on if we can have a significant impact on our home countries economy. What countries are already willing to take us in? It looks like there maybe a few nations already considering it. i.e Ghana.  I honestly don't want to leave any black person behind in this rotten nation or any other like it, so id rather we all planned for a mass exodus, almost like a reverse windrush. I know we all settled here and thought things would change for us, but even though we had a temporary lull. Im worried this is now over, now the nest of  WST's  has been disturbed, they will not easily go back to rest.

In the next few posts, i will be exploring the conversation of the diaspora and sharing views from people who have made the leap already. Please add your thoughts to the comment section below.


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