Protesting with our indignant voice and ...delayed repercussion

Gosh what a life.. its been walking as a black woman in 2020,  and the trouble we have been plagued with along with our black men, be it racism, systematic oppression, denial, a selective virus, discrimination and their ever present determination to keep our bowed necks beneath their knees. The evil that men have done in the need to be superior can never be understood fully. We are at the precipice of change, but we cannot afford to lose sight of the goal, brothers and sisters. We will soon grow weary of demanding justice, we need to eat, work and parent; normal life as it should will begin to demand our attention.

We must use wisdom, and as much as i applaud everyone who is on the streets protesting,  demanding  long denied justice.. I am mindful of the delayed repercussion of expressing our rightful indignation in countries which benefit and profit of the oppression of black people that may be due.

I watched a really interesting video which expressed my thought very eloquently about how these protests will go. The video is below.

They explained how nations that have spent all the centuries that they have, creating a system which consistently and callously oppresses a race to its benefits, is prepared for the natural outrage of the oppressed, so will allow managed outpourings of upset in the form of righteous anger (protest). They will sit back and wait for our flames to dampen and us to be distracted by a new crisis. Before long the broken windows will be replaced, the debris tidied up and the system will  continue as it always has. The police who felt impotent to respond with their true anger at the rebellious black, who haven't accepted their place will be dealt with at a later date, their suppressed hate and frustration can wait til this has passed. Their allies will once again brush their actions under the rug, until we see another over confident officer expose his true intent.

This is not our first nor will it be our last protest, but i believe  we should not be opposed to trying something new. Every black man, woman and child is united by one thing, knowing the systems we have been thrown into is set to make us fail, to make it so we give up the fight for better and succumb to this mediocre existence they have allowed us to create here in a place we are supposed to call home. We cannot fight this battle as individuals any more, and as much as it might feel like your  being illogical. We are well beyond that point. we need to come together and with  our mutual wisdom and  experience we can  set ourselves up so we can protect each other.  People have kept us separate. divided and when  we stood on the sidelines while we watched one of our brothers get killed, feeling powerless to intervene, scared of what fate might meet the one who came between a man and his murderer.

As i said in a previous post about in an ideal world  where the government's from our home countries would allow us dual citizenship, somewhere we can go and be away from the tyranny that chases us. Where we can build safe communities for us all, where we could build a world where we didnt feel frightened to walk out of our front doors, of being pulled over, of being shot for being born black.
  In the real world, our home nations have issues of their own that we may have to face if we were to return.  However as someone wise said if other people can go and make homes and businesses for them selves on our land, then why cant we??

I know i am british and that my experiences in no way mirrors the suffering of those in other nations, but i can empathise, and understand that even with the mild mannered racism here, it is still in existence and is not easier pill to swallow. Just as verbal and psychological abuse are hard to prove, it is still equally as damaging.

The truth is we must unify, we must figure a way so that we all work for the same common goal. we put resources, skills, talent, courage together, and faith, We can do better. How do we unify our men and women in the streets? how do we use our collective wisdom to push for more reform and protections, even after our voices and rage are quietened again once more.  We know we cant stand anymore. In the back of my mind, i wonder how many black people were picked up for protesting and are currently taking the brunt for our voices and righteous anger **. If we imagine that people may very well maybe brutalised even more, just to put us back in our places, can we now see the time for fighting amongst ourselves has to end, and a new plan must emerge that  not only protects us now but the generations to come.
** this story appeared after this post was published, thought it was poignant so added picture here instead


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