We built it...so we should fight for our portion of it and own it right?

As much as i agree that we have, we have built the counties with our hands, we have inherited these enriched  nations built with the blood of our ancestors, and yes we should be able to claim what is rightfully ours, after years of demanding the ability to live a normal life, it has slowly begun to succeed but at what cost?

At the cost of our silence and our agreement to not step out place; to be willing to answer to the WSP authorities who questions your very presence; the constant reminder that yea we granted you these rights, but doesnt mean we actually want you to live amongst us; No please return back to the place where we put you, before we teach you a lesson about stepping out of line or thank you for your money though it is green. it is still tainted with black people and we have quite enough of our own, so we aren't even concerned about your treatment and are in  no rush to put a stop to it.We may align with you temporarily just to assuage your distress, but don't actually start believing we are on your side or that we will start making laws that makes it harder to us to harrass you or hold you back from progress, hmm don't be silly.

So in spite of all that our ancestors have done, and what we continue to do to make waves, create changes, opportunities and progress, for every part there has been painful and numerous sacrifices. Just look at the police reaction to the protests how innocent black people, minding their own business felt the wrath of the police because we spoke out about their brutality. We are not playing a level field, where if we scream loud enough or long enough that we will succeed in our goal, we must understand that we are screaming in nations that WANT us to be beneath them, that ultimately benefit and profit from our drudgery and compliance. The shackles have come of the slaves, but we are still in bondage to the nations that stole us because we need to progress and substain our daily lives, and cannot afford to completely go against the rules and systems they have built.

I know we understand these nations built of of the back of WSP, are not even looking at levelling the playing field, so we must remove ourselves temporarily, maybe in dedicated groups, to gather strength, resources, that are untouchable by this group, and return to the nations in a position of power. We are not relinquishing the right to live in these countries that we now call home, we are asking for a place of refuge, until we build up a reserve and a resilience that will keep us and the children who come after us safe in these countries for a long time to come. We can move if we want or just create a business in our continents or invest money with family who are at home. I know this will take trust as we have issues with the different perspectives on doing things and how things are achieved, which is why unity is required, and a joint goal of prosperity is essential to make this vision a reality.

We must start understanding that as we lift one, we lift us all, and that we don't need to keep everything in our own pots to achieve this but to create a universal pot,  that we can use and draw from which will help to empower us and others.Imagine if every black person created a housing pot, a food pot, a business pot, from within our own neighbourhoods, it would need to be monitored and checked thoroughly, but in time we would have the capital to help house people, build our own, or fund businesses that build our own. We can do this in the countries we already live in, but invest the money in our respective nations so we can build both in our own countries and in the places that need it most.

Perhaps you can imagine that we are like the family who have sent their children abroad to pursue a better life, who then send their hard earned money back home, to enrich his family, as they rise so do their family. Except we are a family torn,and we don't know which parents we can trust to guide this plan, this wealth, so we have to be a collective and  work this out, so we can make it a reality. We have to make rules and regulations on how to run and use this pot, we have to have conversations with the leaders of these countries and get them on board with our plans. We have to urge them to not think of us as interlopers. but people who need refuge, but who will not come empty handed, but with a way that might just save us all.

We will need to change the narrative and prepare to take a step back from how we expect things to work. We are being invited into their countries because ours are failing us. Some of these nations are still ruled or have working or aspects of the WSP in them, but if we work together, in unity we can build a community that interlopers will not want to be part of and who will turn away from the progress we make, who may very well abandon us because they feel we will not survive without their input, and maybe they are right, but also they could be wrong. We know that there is unrest in some nations, dictators, and distrust of foreigners which has been for good reason, so now we must change the script and get ahead of what others will say so we can give ourselves a chance to thrive both here and at home. We know we have positive intentions and if we can rule together, come together we can change the tide in many of these nations 

so yes you are right.. we built it, and we should be able to enjoy the fruits of the labours of our ancestors, but that is not the reality we are living.and it will not be until WSP understand the concept that we can build a better world together, and not in division, until that day arrives, we have to start being protective.  Can we start looking at creating our pot that would finances us, pooling skills and resources to teach us, using the village mentality with our children, embracing the lost children in the street, and refocusing people in the system to a bigger and stronger plan for change


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