Villains Role

How often are black people placed into the villains’ role? No matter how hard we try to change things
, set ourselves out to be different. Avoid gangs, crimes, and try to create a decent financial footing for ourselves
and our family. Yet even as we climb tooth and nail to achieve these goals, we are constantly cast into the role
of the villain. Even history shows the way we were cast into this role and have been fighting ever since to
change it. 
We are not all victims of this, in 2016, black young males were 9 times more likely to be imprisoned.
We are not making it harder for people to come for us and trust me i understand why, but i have to ask.
How many of us are on the street, running it and selling those drugs, beating up, murdering each other to
protect so-called profits that don’t even belong to us? Harming others? What’s the harm you say? You only sell the drugs to the people  who  ask for it. If it wasn’t you some else would do it. Simple supply and demand. You kill people who signed up for the life and try to avoid the innocent. You don’t know any other way, and there is no way out once you’re in. You must provide for your family, who have now come to rely on your assistance and the lifestyle you created you cannot maintain any other way?  They owed you money and you had to take action. They were starting to talk to the wrong people, a snitch. Maybe everyone should pool together and pay the drug lords off( joking), coz they would probably kill you first. 

I fully accept this and understand that fight you face. However, do you know how much unfortunately you fall
into the villain’s piece, literally giving every WST a peace, they never knew they had, as we kill each other off.
Do you understand that criminal actions give WST excuse after excuse to terrorize other black people because
they actually have a potential black suspects description to use? How they use you to demonize us all using
your actions as justification? How your protective behavior denigrates from our progress, look at the
Notting Hill carnival which used to be a celebration of independence, and is now just a front for gang activity. 
I want to address the higher ups, trust me I know it will be dangerous to even consider getting smart and
leaving the game, because your connection who is probably a WST or has some links to them,
would be rather displeased.  They have kindly trapped ourselves and our kids in the street life.
Maybe we can save the next generation coming up, your children from the life.
Protect your children and if your going to sacrifice yourself  on the street,
make sure your children are wary of it, not feel like it's their inheritance or obligation to avenge it.
Maybe it can die a natural death, if more people refuse to be included.

The reality is the higher ups run the streets, you work against each other, and literally just maim the
black race in the process. how many black mothers have cried at the loss of their children?
I also understand that certain people have built our areas in such a way that crime is sometimes the only
income source available.  I get that, I just wanted to get across how futile it is. We are not meant to win
when we run the streets, it’s just a shortcut for the WST to wipe us out. Just understand that you are playing the white man’s game, and you are simply a pawn. While we are trying to rebuild our nation, you're still helping them to keep our foundations shaky. You are our brethren too. We need you in this fight too.  We need you to come with us in the fight for change. Trust me we can use that protective quality in our nations, in our communities to protect against injustices as opposed to from one another.

Aren’t you tired of being the villain of the piece? Being pulled over for an expected stop and search? Being hauled in under breach of probation? Being locked up and feeling like you fell into the trap and wasted your potential unnecessarily. Now you're locked up in the WS prison at their mercy.  Don’t get me wrong ,You might rule from within the jail, at what costs I don’t know but what about the powers that govern you?  Who runs your organization? Where do you get your meat/food/product from? Who are your suppliers affiliated with? Are you disposable? Replaceable? Are you leaving a legacy that someone can inherit or one to be denied? We need to be prepared to face the consequences of our choices, even in this unfair, unjust system we have. We know that if you are black and commit a crime, your going to be imprisoned, and given a ridiculous time, so of course you want to avoid this, and keep providing for your family, because what happens when your not. That why i am urging unity, because we can step in and help, but we can only do that if it's willing to be received.

You probably can’t change your path especially if you're deeply entrenched, but can you change the future, through your children, your younger cousins, the people that have escaped, can we stop putting money on their heads. . Can you see a path they are heading down which leads nowhere? Can you save them from it?  Can you help encourage them to move out of the area, and try to keep those areas free of trouble if possible, can we get the youngers to stay in school and pursue other avenues, warn people, family, loved ones of any likely backlash from decisions you may have made? You may have to walk alone to truly protect them as hard as that will be? Perhaps you might honestly have to turn yourself in, so the other parts of your family can prosper and use you as an unfortunate example, and maybe you can reach others in the system, and change their perspective too. We all have a purpose and you are not lost because you made a mistake.

Let’s start by teaching our children about the rich inheritance that has bestowed upon us by God. The lessons
we have learned from our forefathers.mother, ancestors .  I am an outsider looking in at this issue,
so there may be a better solution staring someone in the face, share... This is a race for survival.
We must stand up and protect our brethren. We must rescue those we can before it is too late.
No matter what postcode, area, state, country or nation.
We have all suffered so it's time to heal together.
It's time to fight together, and not against.
It's time to understand we don’t have time to be distracted by the wars on the street.
We need to focus on what we leave our children, and maybe try to become
heroes to be admired while we are at.


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