What has changed - The Knee remains on the neck of black people -Crushed Spirits

 On May 25th 2020 George Floyd was murdered by a police officer who placed his knee on his neck and suffocated him to death. Since this tragic event, we have seen an outpouring of grief, rage and frustration as people file onto the streets to demonstrate their need for justice and fairness and yet in spite of all our efforts to end police brutality. We have since seen images which show the police have merely shrugged of this death as a mishap on the job, and have learnt nothing new about restraints and using excessive force when arresting people.They instead as i have mentioned in previous blogs, used their impotent rage and suppressed bigotry tp continue to inflict the pain on to the people in the black community.

I know that since protests have begun and in nations where white supremacy rules, we have seen those peaceful protest be infiltrated. and the narrative altered. We have seen how black men, women and children who are protesting peacefully on the front line are being brutalised even as they protest and ask for the police brutality to end. We can see with our own eyes, how futile these requests are becoming, and they are falling on ears that are not willing to listen and who don't need anything to change. Killing a black man or woman or child doesn't effect the bottom line and until it does, we will be facing this oppression,

while we are protesting in groups in these nations, our voices will be made silent, so it is time to think about placing our frustrations and passion into the new and moving away from the old. As i explained i will be posting new blogs discussing repatriation to our home countries, or picking a new one which you are willing to make home....

More videos and pictures, that i cannot add to this post, as i dont have the original links, these have all taken place since the death of Mr George Floyd. 


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